Dragutin Stojmenović, Ivan Nikolić, Tamara Stojmenović

Athletes, like ordinary people, have the right to get sick and be treated, but they are not allowed to use most of the drugs that are commonly prescribed to other people, because they are on the list of prohibited doping agents. Therefore, the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) has introduced the "Therapeutic Use Exemptions" (TUEs), which are submitted when there is an indication for the use of substances and methods that are on the list of prohibited substances. This "exemption" serves to relieve the athlete from the danger of being declared positive during or outside a competition. In recent years, permits for the therapeutic use of illicit drugs for treatment have been increasingly sought, and the aim of this paper is to investigate the causes of seeking TUEs, as well as whether there is abuse of TUEs in order to improve athletic ability and results. Descriptive method and theoretical analysis were used for the collection, classification and analysis of the targeted research, and the data used for the research was collected with the help of Google Scholar, PubMed and KoBSON search engines. Treatment of sports injuries is the most common cause for which athletes seek TUE approval. The second on this list are stimulants, which are used for the treatment of the attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in athletes, while the third place is occupied by beta blockers for the chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

Keywords: doping, therapeutic exemption, glucocorticoids, stimulants, beta blockers

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