Veljko Todorović, Kristina Vukušić

The symptoms and signs of substance abuse overdose and poisoning by some chemicals (cannabinoids, amphetamine, cocaine, and opioids) and drugs (anabolic steroids) are described in this paper, ingested for the purpose of achieving mood alteration or better sports results. Hashish and marijuana can cause toxic psychosis, along with confusion, disorientation, hallucinations, tension or depression and panic and fear attacks, as well as somatic disturbances, a shortness of breath, heart palpitations, dry mouth, conjunctiva hyperemia and an unsteady gait. Cocaine and amphetamine overdose have a toxic effect on all organs, especially the brain and the heart. The first to be manifested is agitation and mydriasis, and later on, hypertension, tachycardia, chest pain like angina pectoris, dilated pupils and hyperthermia. Convulsions are possible as well. Opioid overdose or poisoning (heroin and morphine-like substances) displays three typical signs: a) from disorientation to drowsiness and coma; b) irregular breathing, and c) constricted pupils. The poisoning is often accompanied by hypotension, bradycardia, hypothermia and a lack of urination due to bladder atony. Regarding sports stimulants, the greatest adverse effects on human health are caused by anabolic steroids. Their abuse leads to various sexual disorders, and with adolescents a stunted growth of the long bones. Acute poisoning caused by substance and psychotropic substance abuse is a crisis situation. The standard principles and methods that are accepted in emergency medicine, with some specificities for acute poisoning, are applied in the diagnosis and treatment. Treatment with psychologists and psychiatrists is necessary.

Keywords: medicaments, substance abuse, overdose, acute poisoning, treatment