Miodrag Jevtić, Aleksandar Jevtić

From the medical standpoint, a disaster is any event that causes death or endangers the health of the population at a large scale, which goes beyond the current medical capabilities and resources for their health care. The architecture of security in the modern world is changing dynamically, with the emergence of numerous challenges. The most difficult circumstances and mass injuries are characteristic primarily for natural disasters, armed conflicts, great outbreaks or terrorism, as a historical monster that is becoming an increasing global problem and constantly changing forms, even using modern bio-technology. The common features of mass disasters in these circumstances are the abruptness of natural forces or human factors, the emergence of large-scale human casualties and material damage, with a usual disproportion of the ratio between the consequences and the forces of rescue and recovery. The essential elements for a successful treatment of the wounded and the sick during mass disasters are a good organization, the existence of educated and prepared services for work in such situations, a timely established cooperation at the local, regional and global levels. The aim of this work is to support the implementation of education, a professional training of all subjects involved in the integrated protection and rescue system with defined tasks and obligations which will certainly contribute to a more effective protection and resistance to disasters.

Keywords: security challenges, mass accidents, integrated system of medical care, education