Sretenka Dugalić

The subject of this paper is the analysis of theoretical postulates relevant for the area of sports marketing and management including: the role of the location and distribution of the intangible sports products (experience, event, result, image, brand) which are created and delivered at a sports facility. The objective of this paper is to explain the manner of functioning and maintaining the strategy of a sports entity by adopting the concept of the sports marketing culture. The analysis of sports products starts from the consumers’ needs, competition, the company and the environment. The analysis of the sports products’ consumers is carried out for the purpose of making strategic decisions about what the consumers want, how much they can pay, where they usually shop, as well as what promotional methods and messages influence the consumers to make these and desired decision more easily. The analysis of the environment is necessary for the purpose of reviewing the economic and political climate in which the sports facility is present, in the light of the Sports Law, rulebooks, social and cultural trends, business and safety risks, conflict situations etc. The analysis explains the role of a sports facility as a sales point for the intangible sports products which jointly with the production, pricing and promotional strategies make the part of a comprehensive sports marketing mix

Keywords: sports marketing, distribution of a sports product, sports facility