Vladimir Živanović

The aim of this scientific work is in the primacy of determining the numeric complaint – what is the type and range, in modern European and world handball, of manifesting differences between successful and unsuccessful defenses, as well as a number of other supporting factors which are generally presented through systems of zones, complex combinations, having more or less players, i.е. a goalkeeper defense, organizing counter attacks and half-counter attacks, shots from 7 meters, etc. The analysis included five key matches in the fight for medals at the 21st World Handball Championship for Women, which was held in 2013 in Serbia. Examined were three matches of the teams of Serbia and Brazil played in the first stage of the competition, quarter-final schedule and the final show. By the conducted analysis of the tactical and technical elements, the following results have been obtained: the largest representation in both teams was found in the variable of successful defensive formations 6:0 (SDF 6:0) of value 20.33 of Serbia and 12.66 of Brazil, and then for the successful defense formations 5:1 (SDF 5:1) of value 9.33 of Serbia and 12.33 of Brazil, while the unsuccessful defense formations were the most in variable (NDF 6:0) of value 9.66 of Serbia and 6.33 of Brazil. Therefore, the analyzed teams to a large extent successfully used the ‘deep zone systems’ in defense of their goal, with a significant number of errors of the same. In other important factors for successful results, differences in the variables of successful and unsuccessful defense of the goalkeeper were found, and in Serbia (SGD) it is expressed as the value of 22.66, and in Brazil by 18.66, while in (NGD) the value was equal and amounted to 23. The differences of arithmetic means of observed variables are displayed by the t-test at a significance level of p<0.05, and significant difference indicators of the total successful-unsuccessful defense combined 5+1 (TSUDC 5+1) were 0.04, while in other variables the compared differences of arithmetic means did not significantly differ statistically. In the variable of total successful-unsuccessful defensive formations 6:0 (TSUDF 6:0), the t-test had a value of 0.10, total successful-unsuccessful organizing of counterattacks and half counter attacks (TSUOC-HC) 0.80 and total successful-unsuccessful defenses with a man more or less (TSUMM-ML) 0.84. All of the above parameters and the results show full convenience, because by their observation and differentiation, with utmost certainty, the winning national team is separated from the defeated ones in the competition

Keywords: handball game, zone defense systems, combined defenses, man more and man less in defense, other technical parameters, competition evaluation system