Sretenka Dugalić, Ana Krsteska

The character of sports activity and sports industry, embodied in multidisciplinarity and interdisciplinarity, demands a significantly higher degree of scientific and professional information than before. This required management to increasingly and more systematically deal with the questions of modern sports practice, which correspond to the realization of top sports scores. This is how special areas of sports management emerged – management of sports facilities and management of sports projects, which engage in: planning, drafting and funding of the construction and daily operations of sports facilities, drafting and organization of training and business processes, leading those activities and controlling a wide range of participants, processes and sub-elements of these systems. In the second half of the 20th century (in different socio-economic circumstances), this region and professional clubs developed awareness about the need for professional management. This is how the first generation of sports managers emerged. However, recently, sports practice saw the examples of two biggest football clubs in Serbia, which appointed management boards composed of distinguished businesspeople with major experience in economy. After a ten-month period, the clubs operated significantly weakened in both sports (weak teams) and economic sense (big debts, affairs), and even in the sense of visible perspective of future development. Therefore, management and corporate administration of a sports organization is not completely the same as management of a company in some other industry. Specific knowledge is required to administer all resources of a particular sports organization in line with the Law on Sport, Law on High Education and Rulebook on Nomenclature of Sports Vocations and Titles. Problems of contemporary sports practice should be solved by competent sports managers who acquired necessary knowledge in accredited higher education institutions and faculties, and who possess required experience.

Keywords: sports facilities, sports facilities management, models of sports facilities management, sports projects management, restructuring sports facilities