Borislav Pelević
The organisation of the two world championships in Serbia, in 2001 and 2007, showed that a small country was able to organise two major championships on the highest level. The championship held in 2001 was officially proclaimed at a meeting of the World Kick Boxing Federation to be the best organised one in the previous thirty years of the federation’s existence. The championship held in 2007 did not make such a sensation, but only as far as the media were concerned. However, it was even better and more thoroughly organised than the one in 2001. The reception, accommodation, superbly organised transfer, the service of the volunteers and hostesses, the excellent conditions of the Pionir sports hall, the reception of the officials of the World Federation by the president of the country, the fact that the Serbian Prime Minister had officially opened the world championship, the completely full hall with more than 10,000 spectators, direct broadcasting on Serbian Radio-television (RTS) taken over by Eurosport, the final evening organised in the manner of the greatest boxing matches in Las Vegas with the use of a light-show, the excellent scenography – all this delighted kick boxers all over the world, as well as their managers, trainers and spectators. If we add to this the traditionally good hospitality of the organisers and Serbia in general, the well balanced food, as well as the presence of representatives of various ethnic groups (Moslems, Indians, etc.), then the impression of the excellent organisation is even more profound. There have been, of course, numerous minor and more worrying problems, but most importantly, neither the competitors could notice them, nor could their managers, trainers or the public, as each problem was solved in a blink of an eye, due to the outstanding organisation of the commissions, services and managers of the championship.
Keywords: championship, оrganisation, competitors, finale